sábado, 1 de octubre de 2016

Western guilt

Our ancestors...

Expelled the Moors
Retook the Holy Land
Discovered a New World
Utterly conquered and exploited it
...and kept it.

We should be quite proud of their achievements rather than feel anything resembling guilt. .

You don't see the Mongols ashamed of Ghengis Khan and his Horde.

You don't see the Italians regretful of the actions of the Roman Legions

And you don't see Scandinavians crying like little bitches over the Viking Raiders.

In fact, we need a TV series like the Vikings based on Cortez's conquest of Mexico. We could get that Del Toro fellow to play Cortez.

It is time to eliminate the self-loathing bullshit the hairy-legged hippygirl sociology professor, or the cowardly commie-revisionist historians want to ram up the asses of the western male.

Yes, we kicked ass around the world, took names, and rifled the pockets of those we killed in Islamic Palestine, in the Americas, and around the world. In fact, we did it better than most other cultures. The sun never set on the Spanish Empire and later, the British Empire.  And we planted cross and flag in the ass of any who stood against us.

Time to rediscover that heritage.

By Gabe Suarez: 

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